Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Cautionary Tail


Zendo was an unusual dog. He could not only wag his tail sideways but he could also wag it up and down. Over the years his master had used Zendo's tail as a sounding board (sideways meant no while up and down meant yes) when a big decision needed to be made. Such a time was now but before Zendo wags his tail let's go back a ways and see what has brought us to this point.

Zendo's master had worked for a branch of the Federal government for almost nine years. It wasn't a very rewarding job but it was a safe and secure one with benefits and if he could make it twenty years he would have a pension that would mean a steady income for the rest of his life. Since Zendo's master also had a wife and three kids, he knew it was incumbent upon him to keep the job no matter the inner leanings of his heart. But yet, something was calling him to throw it all away. A few years before, on a whim, he had started publishing a newsletter. This newsletter  was sort of religious but not religious in the way most of us think as religious. It was highly irreverent, written with humor and insight, and included winsome illustrations by the author himself. In honor of his faithful companion, he had entitled the newsletter 'A Cautionary Tail.'

Now the newsletter had reached a 500 strong subscriber list and Zendo's master had begun thinking to himself: if every subscriber averages $100 in donations per year that would mean $50,000 in income! Of course, the fact that most of the subscribers sent in no money at all did not seem to register in Zendo's master's brain. He just knew somehow that if he quit his job and threw himself wholeheartedly into the newsletter, big, big things would happen. Heck, the subscriber list would probably then grow into the thousands and there would be plenty of money to take care of the wife and kids. They could travel all over the United States where he could give uplifting, insightful, and inspirational talks to his legion of loyal subscribers. And the kids would be well taken care of; their education opportunities unlimited. Yes, they would be one big happy family. 

Such a wonderful idea. Then Zendo's master opened his eyes and received a positive heavenly communication. He didn't think so at the time but now we know better.

Zendo was wagging his tail sideways.


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