Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Nick Neercassel Niblet: Positive Uncertainty

An Angel of the Lord appeared underneath an oak tree not far from the path I was trodding. He begged my pardon and wondered if I could give him a few minutes of my time. Sure, I said, I'm only walking aimlessly on a sunny day with nowhere particular to go and nothing particular to do.

"Nick, I have an assignment for you." The voice seem to come from a waterfall. Loud but refreshing.

"Yes, Angel of the Lord. I am at your service."

"We want you to investigate a new phenomenon."

"How long has it been around?"

"Over sixty years." I've never gotten use to what the concept of new means to an Angel of the Lord. If something had occurred in the last 50 million years, it was probably classified as new by the Angelic Corps.

"What is it?"

"It's a way of thinking called Positive Uncertainty."

I had never heard of it or had I? Either way, I felt good about it.

"That's it."

"That's what?"

"You just experienced Positive Uncertainty."

"How do you know?"

The Angel pulled out of his coat pocket a small electronic device.

"This is a PUM - Positive Uncertainty Meter. It started humming (I was to discover later as my investigation deepened that it was known as a PUM HUM) so I knew you were experiencing Positive Uncertainty."

"But why was I?"

"That's what we want you to find out. Apparently, even the mention of the two words have the ability to deliver the experience."

"Where did Positive Uncertainty originate?"

"It was a marriage of minds, so to speak. Greta Heisenberg, the daughter of Werner Heisenberg, founder of the Uncertainty Principle in Physics, married Norman Vincent Peale, Jr, namesake son of the founder of Positive Thinking. They wanted to create something together that would honor both their fathers. The Power of Positive Uncertainty was the result."

"But can you tell me in a nutshell what Positive Uncertainty is?"

"No, but we expect a full report from you in 90 days. That's when I return to Earth."

The Angel disappeared. I scratched my head and resumed my walk. I had no idea if I would solve the mystery of Positive Uncertainty but for some reason I did feel good about not knowing.


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